Sunday, April 8, 2007


Wife2TJ said...
Great blog candy! I don't own any bella images. My favorite thing about easter is the spiritual part of it. I am definitely going to enjoy going to church tommorow morning with my husband. I love spending it with family, but as everyone lives so far away it will be just me and my dh this year.

Plus I will RAK Blog Hore with some bella images too (6 images)

BlogHore said...
Aside from the chocolate, my favourite thing about Easter is writing the notes (or hints) for my daughter's Easter hunt. In our house (a tradition I carried with me from when I was growing up), the Easter Bunny (EB) leaves a gift and a note in the bedroom. The note will say something like "every night when you have a bath, you are SUPPOSED to throw your dirty clothes here"....and then in the laundry basket there is another note with a clue about where to look next. It takes the entire night but I have so much fun with it.Happy Easter!!!

**So ladies I need your snail mail address.

**** Keep watching for regular bella image give aways & don't forget the biggy coming at 50,000 hits!!!

Hope you all had a Happy Easter!!!

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